Monday, June 2, 2008

So, I don't know if you knew this,

...but I've become involved with a fiendish plot to, um, get a lovely painting. And promote myself. I traded Andrew Henderson a song for the painting you see me snuggling above (it's now hanging on my bedroom wall). It's called "Lotus," by UK artist Evelyn Kharag, and the moment I saw its blurry, pixellated likeness on, I knew I had to have it. Because I like lotuses. Loti. Lotusi? Those flowers.

In any case, it is just breathtaking in real life, and completes my bedroom wall like Renee Zellwiger in Jerry Maguire. Andrew has now traded my instrumental blues track to the man on the left (Andrew is, deductively, the man on the right), in exchange for fancy rock memorabilia.

Peter (on the left) is going to sing on the track and send it back to me to mix in and fancy up. Behold the power of Web 2.whatever-it-is-now. Of course, I will let you all know how it goes down.


Anne said...

Lovely painting - do you see pixcelation as a modern relative of pointilism? Maybe you could write a bluesy musical and get Mandy Patinkin to sing the male lead...

Mandy said...

Yahoo! She's back!

love you.