Saturday, May 31, 2008

hello, stranger.

Well, internets, I'm back. I know you've desperately missed my content, what with the dire shortage of moderately funny creative part time working-mom bloggers. Oh. Well, anyway, I've missed you...

What's that? You don't even remember me? Sheesh. Ok, let me refresh you:

I'm Sarah. I'm a single mother to a three-year-old dervish - uh, daughter; a musician (blues and jazz), singer and songwriter (lots); a teacher (guitar and pre-school, not both at once) and general nerd hobbyist and artist/entrepeneuse. So, ah, this blog will be about that all. Yeah.

The title? The whole saying, in French, is "La vie est belle, et elle commence demain," meaning, "life is beautiful, and it starts tomorrow." I left out the end, because who's waiting till tomorrow? Certainly not me.

Ok, then. Nice seeing you again. Love your whole improved-media-functionality-and-networking vibe, it's really - oh, ok. Bye.

(::skulking away:: Man, Sarah, you really blew that one. What's up with the tone? Who are you trying to sound like, Dooce?)

1 comment:

Anne said...

Welcome back! I, for one, have missed your observations, insights, even rantings!
Love, M