Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fruit of the interwebs.

So, if this lil' java app works, here's the song (you remember, I wanted the painting that the guy who was trading nothing was trying to trade, so I wrote an instrumental and whipped it overseas to the guy who wrote the words and sang the vocal and so on...)

I believe we will be attempting to sell downloads at some point. Check your pockets.

In any case. "The Anglo-American and World Recession Blues," music, all instrumentation, production and backing vocals by yours truly; lyrics, lead vocal and melody by Peter Adamson of England. Licensing inquiries welcome. Composition registered with ASCAP, June 2008.

The Anglo American and World R by Sarah LeMieux and Peter Adamso
Fandalism Free MP3 Hosting

1 comment:

Anne said...

Love the tune - he sounds a bit like Ringo!