Friday, June 6, 2008

Text only.

Sorry. I usually like to dress up my posts with some zazzy pictures or video, but I got nothin'.

I drove about 5 hours round trip last night and got really entertainingly lost in Boston for probably about a half an hour - I saw Fenway! And I was like, "hey, Fenway! Crap! Fenway!" - and then I played about 20 minutes worth of music at the fairly subdued gala fundraiser for the Art Monastery.

Worth noting:

I wore my prom dress, which I bought in 1997, which looks better on me now, HA!

The Boston police give very good directions and were extremely courteous, and called me ma'am (possibly something to do with the prom dress).

Serious hors' d'oeuvres - marinated olives and goat cheese, asparagus and prosciutto, fancy things on skewers, m&m's in a dish...

Also, due to a strange convergence of life elements (my best friend from high school and her mother, my musician selfhood, the unfamiliarity of Boston, hors' d'oeuvres) I got the shaky-hands, sweaty-brow, paranoid stage fear for the first two or three minutes of my set. On the one hand, unpleasant; unusual for me - and on the other hand, pleasantly personal-growth inducing. I talked myself through it and played well in spite of it, or possibly because of it. Ever since I hid in the bathroom when it was my turn for karaoke the summer I was ten, it has been my mission in life to kick the jitters.

In other news, it was the last day of school today, and my last day being my kid's teacher (for the forseeable academic future, anyway). My feelings, in a nutshell: "Whew! Awww. Sheesh. Euuuoo. Whew! Hmmm...awww. Sigh, sniff. Whew!"

Still processing, really. Time has been passing awfully quickly lately.

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