Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Frugal Stylist

So, the kid has been after one of these for months:

Her best friend has one, and it is apparently a constant source of torture to her. Alas, they are running $40-50 on the ol' ebay (NMIB!! VERY RARE!!) So today, we went to W*m**t, bought $2 worth of purple "satin" and some $1.79 silver chain ribbon, and made this:

with the indispensable help of my very crafty mother - she made the pattern and did all the tailor-y preparation stuff, and I hemmed all the edges and sewed on the silver trim. We also had to give Giselle a little trim, because the hair on the other doll is shorter, um, cleaner, and not ratty and full of debris from being dragged around everywhere. Yeah.

So. Success - I feared a meltdown due to some missed detail or other, but it was more than acceptable to the client. I guess I'll carve the prince out of soap.


Anne said...
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Anne said...

I have to say, I think we are the balm! (for toddler jonesing-envy) Oh yeah!

Sarah said...

I left in the comment with the pun, to up the cleverness quotient of my blog a little. I have it set so that I have to approve comments, so they don't appear right away.

Mandy said...

You are awesome.

Maggie and Jerry play with this old box of Barbies that my mother-in-law has. They are SO OLD. And the clothes are SO OLD. I think she actually made some of the clothes.

Truthfully, I like dressing up Barbies. I wonder if sewing barbie clothes is in my future?